All Member's List

SL No. Name of the Agencies RL. No.
2201 TNM Fine Overseas Ltd. 2025
2202 Toha Tawwab International 1985
2203 Top Ten Overseas Ltd. 1259
2204 Torque International Co. Ltd. 657
2205 Total Management & Services Ltd. 1126
2206 Touch World International 2277
2207 Toushi International Ltd. 1608
2208 Tower Trade International Ltd. 499
2209 TPS 360 Bangladesh Ltd. 995
2210 TR Overseas 2762
2211 Trade and Employment Company 316
2212 Trade Care International 899
2213 Trade Fair International 431
2214 Trade Information Ltd. 626
2215 Trade King Enterprises Ltd. 19
2216 Trade Services International 1000
2217 Trained Manpower Recruiting Agency 2204
2218 Trans Asia Integrate Services Limited 1472
2219 Transnational Recruiting Services Ltd. 1250
2220 Travel Care (Pvt.) Ltd. 1042
2221 Travel House Export International 1789
2222 Traveloid International 1437
2223 Travels King International 1468
2224 Travels News Ltd. 624
2225 Traxcomm Associates Ltd. 1880
2226 Tredmig Company Limited 2166
2227 Tribeni International 22
2228 Triple A Overseas 2630
2229 Trishna Overseas 789
2230 TRSA Overseas 2272
2231 Trust And Fast Associates Ltd. 1595
2232 Trust Overseas Recruiting Agency (TORA) 1182
2233 Tulip Overseas Ltd. 1983
2234 Turag Overseas 2612
2235 Twin International 39
2236 Ucksel Private Ltd. 399
2237 Udayan Overseas Employment Service 1349
2238 Udayon Corporation 1031
2239 Ummul Qura Overseas Ltd. 786
2240 Unicorn Employment & Tourism Ltd. 303
2241 Unified Overseas Ltd. 2644
2242 Uniglobe Human Resource Management 1208
2243 Union Overseas Employment & Training Ltd. 924
2244 Union Recruitment Limited 2332
2245 Unique Eastern (Pvt.) Ltd. 21
2246 Unique Management Ltd. 2426
2247 Unite Recruiting Agency Ltd. 1467
2248 United Bangladesh 1129
2249 United Export Ltd. 486
2250 United Gulf Services 1036
2251 United Makkah Madina Travel & Assistance Co. Ltd. 949
2252 United Manpower Consultancy 1216
2253 Unity Overseas Limited 2121
2254 Universal International 883
2255 Universal Manpower Enterprises 180
2256 Universal Recruitment Ltd. 1077
2257 Upay Employment Service 2119
2258 UTBL Venture Limited 2786
2259 Uttar Bangla Overseas Ltd. 1515
2260 Uzan Trading Corporation 427
2261 Uzzal Aviation 962
2262 V.M. International Ltd. 2196
2263 Vely Trade International 1268
2264 Venice Overseas 2534
2265 Venus Overseas International 7
2266 VIC Global 2556
2267 Victoria Overseas 1978
2268 Virtual World Vision 2100
2269 Visa International 963
2270 Vision & Value Overseas 2221
2271 Vision Recruiting and Overseas Ltd. 1173
2272 Voyager International 2193
2273 Wace Commercial Co. Ltd. 1970
2274 Wafa Ltd. 47
2275 Wahaa Manpowers Supplier 1926
2276 Wahid International 193
2277 Wahida Overseas Limited 2229
2278 Waleed Al-Zohair Overseas Ltd. 1367
2279 Wazirpur Overseas 2761
2280 Welcome Overseas Ltd. 1580
2281 Well International 2616
2282 Well-Up Overseas 2083
2283 Welland Overseas 761
2284 Wens Travels 1017
2285 Western Business Alliance Ltd. 173
2286 Western Overseas Ltd. 1993
2287 Westline Overseas 1392
2288 Win International 721
2289 Winner Overseas Ltd. 664
2290 Wonder Communication 2755
2291 Wonder Overseas 871
2292 Workforce International Limited 2180
2293 World Vision Overseas Ltd. 1688
2294 World Wide Human Resource And Placement Centre 1110
2295 Yambu Trade International 192
2296 YAZ Overseas 2064
2297 Yeasin Overseas Limited 2104
2298 Yousuf And Younus Human Resource 1484
2299 Z Zahan International 1863
2300 Z. Lines Ltd. 329