All Member's List

SL No. Name of the Agencies RL. No.
1 1 Plus Overseas Limited 1857
2 3R Overseas Ltd. 2397
3 4 Site International Ltd. 345
4 4A International 2792
5 4S Service Ltd. 1736
6 5M International Ltd. 1327
7 A Gani Overseas Ltd. 2296
8 A Jharna Trade International 1726
9 A Khayer International 2235
10 A T International 2455
11 A-1 International 861
12 A-Plus International 1082
13 A. Halim International 852
14 A. Hossen International Co. Ltd. 2041
15 A.A. Overseas Ltd. 851
16 A.A.T. Overseas 2383
17 A.B. Establishment Ltd. 618
18 A.B.M. Aviation 1825
19 A.F. Overseas 1408
20 A.J. International 1304
21 A.K. Overseas 1463
22 A.M. Air Travels Ltd. 796
23 A.M. Enterprise 256
24 A.M. Rowmari Overseas 1813
25 A.N. Leopad Overseas Ltd. 1034
26 A.N.S. Business Ltd. 2079
27 A.R. Trade Ltd. 774
28 A.R. Trading Corporation 1493
29 A.R.K. Travels 1767
30 A.S. International 445
31 A.S. Mirza Gazi Overseas 1581
32 A.S. Travel And Tourism Agency 1627
33 A.S.T. International 2791
34 A.T.B. Overseas Ltd. 321
35 A.V.R. Bangladesh 1135
36 A1 Recruiting Agent 1819
37 AAA Trade International 2565
38 Aariz Enterprise 1269
39 AB Tours & Travels International Ltd. 1686
40 Ababil Trade 1604
41 ABCO Overseas 481
42 ABD Air International Ltd. 1751
43 Abdullah Overseas Agency 1396
44 Abdullah Trading Establishment 330
45 Abid Corporation 1416
46 Abid Overaseas Ltd. 1768
47 Abida Overseas 2033
48 Abir & Brothers 1513
49 Abira Overseas 2561
50 Abrar Amin Overseas 2675
51 Abrar Nuha Human Resource (Pvt.) Ltd. 1996
52 Abroad Care 2291
53 Abu Yasir Establishment 325
54 Accurate Global Services 2288
55 Across Boundaries Export Import Ltd. 1018
56 Active Manpower Services 1328
57 Active Vision Overseas 2447
58 Actual Trade Limited 1783
59 Acura Trade International Ltd. 1069
60 Adeb Air Travels & Tours 1024
61 Adema Overseas Ltd. 1564
62 Adil Overseas 1545
63 Adnan Overseas 2699
64 Adobe Communication Ltd. 968
65 Adrian Overseas 1960
66 Advent Overseas Ltd. 1514
67 Aeon Overseas Ltd. 2744
68 Afeef International 1721
69 Afia Overseas 1010
70 Afrin Overseas 2662
71 AGA International 530
72 Agrani Manpower Services 2484
73 AGS Overseas 2356
74 Ahad International Ltd. 1772
75 Ahlam Trade International 189
76 Ahlan Services Limited 2271
77 Ahmad Al-Amin Ltd. 160
78 Ahmed & Company (Pvt.) Ltd. 81
79 Ahmed International 1146
80 Ahnaf Ayat Associates Ltd. 1773
81 AHP Trade International 2324
82 AIM Overseas 1370
83 Aim-Vision HR Solution Limited 2416
84 Air Birds Express Ltd. 1489
85 Air Connection Overseas Ltd. 716
86 Air King Overseas 1094
87 Air Link Overseas 1066
88 Air Queen Overseas Ltd. 1878
89 Air Speed Trade International 646
90 Air Top Overseas 1979
91 Air Trade Manpower Services 1714
92 Air Way International 1016
93 Aiza Overseas Ltd. 2161
94 AJ Corporation 1292
95 Ajmal Overseas Ltd. 2685
96 Ajmer Overseas Ltd. 1711
97 Ajwah Overseas Services 1911
98 Ajyad Limited 2000
99 Akaid International 2541
100 Akash Bhraman 384