All Member's List

SL No. Name of the Agencies RL. No.
701 Earth Smart Bangladesh Ltd. 1486
702 Easel Overseas Ltd. 1140
703 East Bengal Overseas 912
704 East West Human Resource Center Ltd. 980
705 East West Paradise 619
706 East West Trade Linkers 65
707 Eastern Bay Bangladesh 479
708 Eastern Buisness Associate Ltd. 64
709 Eastern Overseas 555
710 Eastern Resource Management Services Ltd. 1057
711 Eastland Network 540
712 Easy Way International Ltd. 1649
713 Ebtida Overseas 2790
714 Efraz International 2053
715 Ehsan Overseas Employment Services 1413
716 Ekin Overseas Ltd. 2312
717 Ekushe Overseas Ltd. 2646
718 Elahi Overseas Limited 1070
719 Elegants Overseas Ltd. 544
720 Elite Business Associates 594
721 Emad Overseas 2586
722 Emam Travels & Tours Ltd. 543
723 Emasek (Pvt.) Ltd. 874
724 Emdad Recruiting Service 2759
725 Eminence Overseas Pvt. Ltd. 1798
726 Emis Care International 2242
727 Emon Employment Services 773
728 Employment Creation System 2440
729 Employment Promoters Company (EPCO) 550
730 EMS International 2403
731 EMS Overseas 2724
732 Enam International 317
733 Enroute International Limited 2483
734 Enviro Resource Management Ltd. 2074
735 Ertah International Ltd. 1667
736 Esha International 1597
737 Eshan Overseas Ltd. 2622
738 Essential Overseas Services Limited 2623
739 Ethics Mercantile Limited 2569
740 Eurasia Overseas 2176
741 Eureka Recruiting & Travels Ltd. 88
742 Euro Bengal Aviation Ltd. 1681
743 Euro Sky 2163
744 Europa Overseas 791
745 Evana Global Business 2443
746 Everest International Ltd. 663
747 EWB International Ltd. 2656
748 Ex. BD Associates Company 684
749 Excel Overseas Limited 1939
750 Excellent Dream Overseas 866
751 Expedia Human Resource Ltd. 1687
752 Explorer Overseas Ltd. 1745
753 Express Systems Ltd. 1180
754 Ezzy Services And Resource Management Ltd. 1573
755 F M Associates 1852
756 F.A. Recruiting Agency 2465
757 F.A.H. Overseas Ltd. 987
758 F.C.C. Overseas Limited 1896
759 F.M.Q. Establishment 342
760 F.N.M. Air International Ltd. 1879
761 F.R. Trade International 1901
762 Fahad International 3
763 Fahim Overseas Ltd. 383
764 Fahim Recruiting Agency 2594
765 Fair Trade International 1266
766 Fair View International 1281
767 Fair Way Overseas 2056
768 Faisal Overseas 1387
769 Faith Air International Ltd. 842
770 Faith Line International Co. Ltd. 701
771 Faiyaz Overseas 2216
772 Falah International 589
773 Falgun Overseas Limited 1657
774 Falki International 2589
775 Fama Air Service 1775
776 Fame Overseas Ltd. 2425
777 Famex Trade Associaties Ltd. 378
778 Famous Overseas Ltd. 231
779 Fams Trade International Company Ltd. 655
780 Fancy Overseas 1988
781 Far Rai International Ltd. 1309
782 Faraji Trade International Limited 1079
783 Fardin International Ltd. 1784
784 Fardin Overseas 2686
785 Farhan Aviation Services 648
786 Farhan Overseas 2595
787 Farid Fahmida Overseas 2683
788 Faridpur Overseas 2125
789 Fariha Employment Services Limited 2220
790 Fas Overseas Limited 2393
791 Fast Service International Ltd. 1426
792 Fast Track Recruitment 2730
793 Fastway Overseas 1741
794 Fateh Consortium Ltd. 2614
795 Fatema Overseas 1205
796 Father International Ltd. 2051
797 Fatickchari Overseas 878
798 Fatiha Nur Overseas 2168
799 Fatin & Fahim Holdings Limited 2637
800 Federal Trading Corporation Ltd. 110