All Member's List

SL No. Name of the Agencies RL. No.
501 Bangladesh Workforce 1095
502 Banna Bijoy Overseas Ltd. 1314
503 Barakat Dynamic Overseas Employment Agency 1310
504 Barakat International 587
505 Barakat Overseas Business 817
506 Barcelona Overseas (Pvt.) Ltd. 1380
507 Barguna Overseas 2537
508 Barisal Overseas 1035
509 Barnali Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. 118
510 Barnamala Overseas 1929
511 Barobi International Ltd. 1063
512 Baron Overseas Limited 2560
513 BASE Recruitment 2535
514 Bashundhara Employment Services 1064
515 Bashundhara Overseas 1252
516 Basic Engineering Ltd. 1060
517 Basic Power And Care Overseas Ltd. 1418
518 Basis Overseas 972
519 Bay Eastern Ltd. 57
520 Bay Oceania C And T 2481
521 BBS Overseas 1526
522 BD Global Business 1231
523 BD Manpower Service Ltd. 1955
524 BD Star International Ltd. 1346
525 Bdex International 1086
526 BEC Travels Network 1442
527 Belabo Overseas (Pvt.) Limited 2172
528 Belal Overseas Ltd. 1588
529 Bengal Consultants Ltd. 79
530 Bengal Gulf International Limited 137
531 Bengal Heliservice Ltd. 954
532 Bengal Human Resource Development 1479
533 Bengal Manpower Services Ltd. 1044
534 Bengal Tigers Overseas Ltd. 583
535 BESCO International 538
536 Beta Overseas 718
537 Better Resource 2601
538 BGL Overseas Ltd. 2017
539 Bhaluka Overseas 2069
540 BHB Overseas Ltd. 2728
541 Bhuiyan Employment 1753
542 Bhuiyan Overseas Limited 687
543 Bhuiyan Trade International 2181
544 Bigman Associates Ltd. 751
545 Bijoy Overseas 2080
546 Binimoy International 351
547 Bion International 2577
548 Bipplob International 332
549 Birds Air Transport Ltd. 2
550 Bishal International (Pvt.) Ltd. 1754
551 Bismillah International 1598
552 Biswas Air International 1610
553 Biswas Trade International 1374
554 Bizbon International 1804
555 BJIT HR Agency Ltd. 1356
556 BKN Overseas 1980
557 BLO Oversees Ltd. 1889
558 Blubay Overseas Ltd. 2461
559 Blue Sky Overseas 2632
560 Bluestar Services Ltd. 372
561 BM Trade International 1884
562 BM Travels Ltd. 1421
563 BMS Consultancy Services (Pvt.) Ltd. 1746
564 BNN International 2197
565 Bobby Associates 289
566 Bon Voyage Travels & Overseas (Pvt.) Ltd. 509
567 Bonanza Overseas 579
568 Bondhon Overseas Ltd. 2095
569 Brahman Baria Overseas 666
570 Brahmaputra Overseas 1844
571 Bridge International Corporation 513
572 Brigate International 1443
573 Bright Career Service Ltd. 1885
574 Bright Hope Employment Service 2582
575 Bright International 327
576 Brighton Empowerment 2063
577 Britain Trade System 389
578 Brothers International 1571
579 Brothers Manpower Service 1689
580 Brothers Trading & Contracting Ltd. 671
581 BTS Overseas Limited 2434
582 Bulua Overseas 2562
583 Bushra & Sons Limited 2802
584 Business Airlines Ltd. 1420
585 C.A. Trading Corporation 737
586 C.B. Enterprise 1395
587 C.O. Overseas 2464
588 CAF Overseas 2128
589 Cana International 895
590 Capital Agency Ltd. 267
591 Captain Manpower 2782
592 Captain Overseas Ltd. 2367
593 Care Overseas Ltd. 1958
594 Career Finder Bangladesh 1940
595 Career Overseas Consultants Ltd. (COC) 403
596 Catharsis International 549
597 Celebrity International 503
598 Cello Vista International 2037
599 Central Overseas 112
600 Central Recruitment Agency Ltd. 2050