All Member's List

SL No. Name of the Agencies RL. No.
401 Aqidha Overseas Ltd. 1969
402 Ar Razzaq Trade International Limited 2549
403 Ar-Rafi Overseas 1790
404 Arab Bengal Overseas 17
405 Arab International Ltd. 2190
406 Arab Link Overseas Ltd. 1931
407 Arabian Gulf Associates Co. Ltd. 51
408 Arabian Overseas 2435
409 Arabian Services Company 783
410 Araf Manpower Ltd. 2200
411 Arakan International 787
412 Arco Overseas Ltd. 2001
413 Arcom Overseas 1385
414 Arifa Imperial Overseas 2222
415 Arifen Enterprise 2726
416 Arifur Rahman Employment Service 1944
417 Arisha Overseas 1459
418 Ariyan Trade International Ltd. 1550
419 Arman Air International 1132
420 Armin Global Limited 2106
421 Arob World Destination 1823
422 Arobic Recruitment Consultant 1461
423 Aroma M.M. International Ltd. 1431
424 ARS Kabir International Ltd. 2421
425 Arshad Overseas 1897
426 Arvi Overseas Limited 2209
427 Arwa International 2604
428 Asas International 1830
429 ASBL Overseas 2625
430 Asea Trading International (Pvt.) Ltd. 1214
431 Ashoora Recruiting Agency Limited 1548
432 Ashuganj Overseas Ltd. 2070
433 Asia Continental Group (BD.) 523
434 Asia Dragon Trading Company 59
435 Asia Link 929
436 Asian Al-Shark Recruiting Agency 2408
437 Asian Manpower Employment Ltd. 1907
438 Asian Travels Network Ltd. 965
439 Asiapac Recruitment Limited 2002
440 Asiatic Eastern Overseas Ltd. 1123
441 Asiatic Recruiting Agency Ltd. 2394
442 Asiatic Talents 1381
443 Asmacs 1059
444 Asor Aviation Services 1302
445 Assity 2105
446 Assurance Services Company 1122
447 Aster International 2379
448 Atiah International 2436
449 Atlanta Enterprises Overseas Ltd. 570
450 Atlantic Overseas Limited 2249
451 Atlas Employment Services Ltd. 1053
452 Att-Taqwa Overseas Ltd. 1703
453 Aurora Overseas Ltd. 1720
454 Authentic International 2290
455 Avail Overseas Ltd. 2240
456 Aviate International 282
457 Ayan International 2382
458 Ayat Network Ltd. 1288
459 Ayat Overseas 1638
460 Ayesha Overseas 1665
461 Ayman Overseas 2097
462 AZ One International 1536
463 Az-Zahra International 1984
464 Azaan Business International 1998
465 Azam Enterprise 574
466 Azam Overseas 535
467 Azim Mannan Ltd. 155
468 Aziz Abbas Trade 2116
469 Azizia International (Pvt.) Ltd. 830
470 AZN Overseas 2298
471 Aztec Manpower Employment And Training Limited 2145
472 Azure Bengal Ltd. 928
473 B. International 2472
474 B.A. Associates 567
475 B.M.S Travels 940
476 B.N.S. Overseas Limited 1450
477 B.S. Associates Ltd. 1818
478 Bab E Ibrahim Overseas 2384
479 Babar Overseas 2479
480 Babel Overseas 2474
481 Babus Salam Sky Overseas 2297
482 Babylon Bangladesh Limited 219
483 BAC Global Network 2775
484 Baitullah Overseas 1023
485 Bakka Resource Co. 2609
486 Baladil Amin International 792
487 Balaka Trade International Ltd. 640
488 Balance Overseas Ltd. 1961
489 Banani Overseas Ltd. 546
490 Bangla Aviation (Pvt.) Ltd. 1144
491 Bangladesh Consortium Ltd. 56
492 Bangladesh Export Corporation 803
493 Bangladesh Foundry & Engineering Works Ltd. 988
494 Bangladesh Futurum International Co. Ltd. 2689
495 Bangladesh Hermain Overseas 2099
496 Bangladesh Human Capital 1557
497 Bangladesh Human Resources Development & Placement 1019
498 Bangladesh Manpower Recruiting Agency 2282
499 Bangladesh One Overseas Ltd. 1781
500 Bangladesh Sunflower Overseas 1677