All Member's List

SL No. Name of the Agencies RL. No.
301 Al-Sahara Overseas 752
302 Al-Saimon Overseas 1950
303 Al-Salam Overseas 500
304 Al-Salim Overseas Agency 487
305 Al-Samara International 841
306 Al-Samit International Ltd. 474
307 Al-Sarder International 1722
308 Al-Sarwar Overseas 400
309 Al-Shafi International Ltd. 944
310 Al-Shahadat Overseas 1222
311 Al-Shamim Overseas Ltd. 1425
312 Al-Shupto Overseas 580
313 Al-Sobhan Overseas 782
314 Al-Sourav Overseas 1028
315 Al-Syed Overseas 1507
316 Al-Sylhet International Recruiting Agency 1407
317 Al-Taief International 281
318 Al-Tamim Overseas 1130
319 Al-Tasin Manpower Business 2540
320 Al-Tayar International Ltd. 697
321 Al-Tayef Overseas Ltd. 1851
322 Al-Thihama Establishment 677
323 Al-Toyab International Limited 1603
324 Al-Wafi Overseas 2402
325 Al-Zam Zam International Ltd. 948
326 Al-Zia Air International 1113
327 Al-Zubaidi International 710
328 Al-Zuhoor International 1311
329 Al-Zuman International 347
330 Alahabad Overseas 2530
331 Alam Overseas Ltd. 1647
332 Alam Sons Ltd. 165
333 Alamgir Brothers Recruiting Agency 1075
334 Alayna Overseas 2140
335 Albee International Ltd. 375
336 Alfa Overseas 2280
337 Alfine Tours & Travels 812
338 Ali Aviation Services 1723
339 Ali Azzam Overseas 2052
340 Ali I Overseas Limited 2640
341 Ali International Company 187
342 Alif Maju International Ltd. 1974
343 Alif Manpower Services 2262
344 Alif Overseas 847
345 Alifa Overseas Ltd. 2653
346 Aliza Employment Agency 2701
347 Alliance Overseas 1433
348 Alman World 2144
349 Alpine Trade International 1738
350 Altaf Overseas 2185
351 Always Manpower Services Ltd. 1941
352 Amal Alrwad Recruitment Office BD 2054
353 Amal Overseas 1948
354 Aman Enterprise 724
355 Aman Overseas 720
356 Amana Business Solution 1088
357 Amar Desh 978
358 Amatun Overseas Ltd. 1892
359 Amazan Overseas 1498
360 AMBA International 2130
361 Ambition International 1777
362 Amco Enterprise Limited 1537
363 Amda Global Services 1091
364 AMDA International Employment Services 2359
365 Ameba Overseas 2545
366 American Overseas Limited 2192
367 Amial International 1326
368 Amin And Son's International 1488
369 Amin Overseas 1670
370 Amin Tours & Travels 981
371 Amina Overseas BD 2491
372 Amir Aviation Limited 840
373 Amira Overseas Ltd. 1441
374 Amity Tours & Trade International Ltd. 425
375 Amll Overseas Ltd. 2275
376 AMR Overseas Limited 2123
377 Amzad Overseas Ltd. 1997
378 An-Nafi Overseas 1882
379 Anam Overseas 1569
380 Anamika Enterprise 1769
381 Ananda Trading International 772
382 Anayet International Ltd. 2316
383 Anha Overseas Ltd. 2750
384 Anik Industrial Enterprise Ltd. 306
385 Annesa Air International 1786
386 Anon Recruiting International 2049
387 Anonno Apurbo Recruiting Agency 2101
388 Anowar International 815
389 Anowar Manpower Export Ltd. 2175
390 Anusha Overseas 2492
391 Anwar General Services Establishment 1001
392 Any Line International Limited 2326
393 ANZ Group Multimega Services 1698
394 ANZ Multi International 1764
395 Anzor Overseas 2712
396 AOC Employment Agency 1990
397 AOES Bangladesh Ltd. 1163
398 Apex Global Recruitment 1074
399 Apon Overseas Ltd. 2374
400 Approach People Recruitment 1444